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Flute Lessons

Are you interested in taking some flute lessons?  The flute is one of the most popular beginning band instruments, which can be attributed to its simplicity and pleasing sound. This instrument is a great starting point for a child to learn music.

What age should my child start lessons?
To play the flute you need to have arms long enough to reach the holes, and you need to be strong enough to support the instrument out to one side while you play.  It can be played by people of all ages and skill levels but the recommended age to start flute lessons is 10 years old.  It is one of the easiest instruments to learn and it's size makes it easy to transport. The flute comes apart into three pieces and packs into a very small case. By the age of 10, your child will normally play the instrument as part of their school band program.Our instructors can help you achieve your flute or other woodwind instrument goals. Learn proven techniques for improving your flute skills, and take advantage of our many performance opportunities. Naperville Music delivers high caliber, private flute lessons with highly experienced flute instructors who love music and love to teach.

How much practice is necessary?
Most anyone can learn to play the flute however it is important to learn proper breathing techniques so that proper lip formation (embouchure) can be developed. As with anything, improving in music takes practice. One of the major problems with children and music is the drudgery of practicing. There is no set time, however, your child must spend quality time each day reviewing what they were taught. Practice must be concentrated and focused.Set the same time every day to practice so that it becomes part of a routine or habit. For young children, 20 or 30 minutes seems like an eternity and they spend more time watching the clock then practicing.Instead of setting a time frame, use repetition as your gauge. For example, have your child play each piece 3 - 5 times per day. The child does not pay attention to the amount of time they are practicing but knows that they are for the third time and almost finished. Ideally, your child should have a place to practice without distractions and it should not disrupt the household.

Do flutes come in sizes?
The flute family consists of the piccolo, E flat, alto, concert or C flute and bass flutes.The concert flute is the instrument used for beginners. To play this instrument your child must be large enough to reach the keys without straining their neck or hands.  Flute manufacturers do offer a flute with curved head joints to make it possible for a smaller child to play the instrument without difficulty. Your flute teacher may recommend a curved head joint for a small, beginner and will switch them to a straight head joint as your child progresses. As your child's musical ability with the flute develops their flute teacher may recommend they move up to a bass or alto flute.

Did you know.…
To play the flute you hold it out to one side (to your right) and blow across the mouthpiece to create the sound. The hole in the mouthpiece has a sharp edge, known as a fipple, and it is the air passing across this that makes the sound. To make the different notes you cover and uncovered holes with a system of keys operated by rods and levers.Realize that the instrument that your child begins with may not necessarily be the one that they stay with forever.  They are, however,  learning the basics of music theory and melody that can be easily converted to another instrument.You will know when your child is ready to enter a recital when he or she feels confident and is willing to play in front of people. This is the best sign that your child is ready to go out and play for others.Rewards work very well for children. Be sure to grant an occasional simple reward to help encourage practicing. Stickers are a great way to show approval.  Praise also tends to be a great reward; there is no substitution for a pat on the back for a job well done.

Our instructors will help you achieve your goals. Learn proven techniques for improving your playing skills, and take advantage of our many performance opportunities. Each lesson is 1/2 hour long. You will receive one lesson each week, here in our modern studios.

Naperville Music is one of the Chicago areas largest private music lesson studios.  We serve Naperville, Wheaton, Aurora, Lisle, Plainfield and other surrounding towns. We are committed to music education, and  private music lessons were one of our first services we offered when we opened in 1974.  Our lesson studios and waiting areas are modern and safe, and located inside our facility. 


Our Teachers


We have learned that the teacher's ability to motivate a student is critical to the success of the student.  All of our teachers are dedicated and committed to showing students the joy and fun of taking lessons and of making music. Because of our large staff of teachers, our enrollment counselors are able to match your student's experience and ability with an appropriate instructor.

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